List Your Home for Sale
Home Owners
While you are considering the For Sale By Owner approach to selling your home, here are a few things to consider:
- Hershey’s Mills Master Association, Board, Technology Committee, and Marketing Committee bear no responsibility for any aspect of the selling process or sale of your home.
- The information you provide is listed for prospective Buyers to contact you directly.
- The Seller’s responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Arranging home visits and maintaining security while prospective buyers are in your home,
- Determining credit worthiness or pre-approval status of prospective buyers,
- Negotiating selling price and other terms of sale,
- Locating a Closing Attorney,
- Locating a Title Company for Closing,
- Possibly negotiating with a Buyer’s agent,
- Any other issues that are required or may come up during the home selling process.
The cost to list your home on this page is: $500.00. Check for listing is to be received before listing will be made active.
Check is to be made out to “HM Technology Committee” and delivered to
398 Eaton Way, West Chester, PA 19380 via USPS or hand delivery.