Hershey’s Mill Is Proud to Have a Free Library on-Site in the Community Center
There are library volunteers on duty Monday-Saturday to help residents find book selections, and books may be borrowed for two weeks at a time. Inside the library, residents can enjoy browsing the used books for sale as well. At times there are best sellers and several shelves with $2.00 trade books.
The Hershey’s Mill Library processes new purchases monthly – best sellers in fiction, mystery, non-fiction, and biography. New titles are published each month in the Guide and Digest magazine, which is distributed free to Hershey’s Mill Residents. The Hershey’s Mill library catalog is available online if a resident wants to check to see if the library carries a title they are interested in.

Offering More Than Just Books
In addition to books, the library also offers a vast selection of puzzles to appeal to any interest. They are borrowed on the honor system. Residents are welcome to take any puzzle that interests them, return it when they are done, and pick up another.
The Hershey’s Mill Library also sponsors speaker/author events tapping into the many talented people residing in Hershey’s Mill.
Just outside the Library door, there is a revolving rack of paperback books available on the honor system to borrow and return when you are done reading. Residents may also donate books to the revolving paperback book rack.
A Variety of Books for Everyone
Once a year the Hershey’s Mill Library has a huge Annual Used Book Sale for Hershey’s Mill residents. It is a three-day event that takes place in the Fall. All year the library collects books, puzzles, and DVDs, then displays them on tables in the great hall of the Community Center. There is a large selection of books in a variety of categories for those who are eager to read and love bargains. In addition to fiction, non-fiction, mystery, and biography/autobiography, there are books on cooking, decorating, art, music, history, computers – you name it!
The Hershey’s Mill Library has an ongoing Ambassador program for residents who are unable to get to the library. Hershey’s Mill Library volunteers are invaluable and make sure that books are taken to residents who cannot travel to the library themselves.
Residents can also browse the Hershey’s Mill library catalog online to see if the library carries a title they are looking for.